Manmohan Desai wrote only one story in his life. x (where x = integer greater than 1) siblings and y sets of parents (where y = integer grea...

Desai and Archer: Always on Target
Info Post
Manmohan Desai wrote only one story in his life. x (where x = integer greater than 1) siblings and y sets of parents (where y = integer grea...
The last one month has been extremely erratic in terms of posting. Blame it on a terrible work schedule and my always-on-overdrive son. Okay...
You know when you take a book along to work, in the hope you might find time to read a couple of pages instead of refreshing your inbox a hu...
Since I have not been posting for a very long time, the easiest way to break the blogger's block is to take a tag! Mad Momma usually doe...