If my blog was a film to be released in USA, this is the rating I would have got - which means no teenage audiences and therefore, no hope o...

If my blog was a film to be released in USA, this is the rating I would have got - which means no teenage audiences and therefore, no hope o...
I have already chronicled my eighteenth year ( 1992 ) in terms of the films that released then. Now Mad Momma wants to know about my favour...
My good friend – AKB – has asked for a recap of the number of times “ Main tumhare bachche ka maa banne wali hoon ” has been said on screen....
This friend of mine suddenly pulled a fast one on me. He claimed all biriyanis are overrated... what is biriyani after all, he asked? Some ...
The title is a hark back to the good old days of AIR and Vividh Bharti, where Ameen Sayani or one of his innumerable clones would read out “...
Generally, politicians in India do not do anything that does not cater to a mobilisable group of people and they get reviled for their vote ...
I am told that tie sales in the US zoom during the second week of June – because the entire nation starts buying them as Fathers’ Day gifts....
Without fail, my posts manage to elicit more addenda and corrigenda than praise. That is a cross one has to bear while writing on Bollywood,...
The idiosyncrasies of Indians deserve a book, if not a whole library! One billion people squeezed over a relatively small space means a whol...
I was driving back from a dinner alone tonight and heard about 30 minutes of uninterrupted golden oldies on FM radio. I am aware of such a s...
Sports and movies form a perfect combination. You know the good guys will always win and there’s absolutely no chance of some Son of Satan M...
Is Google God? The Gods of Page Ranking are not beyond some fun. They have come up with ‘conclusive’ proof that Google is actually God. Or,...